Annual General Meeting
Entry will be $5: This will be an "End of Term" night of Revision after the AGM
Note: 15.(4) If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated are taken to be elected.
Members of Port Macquarie Panthers Rock & Roll Dance Club Incorporated are advised that the Annual General meeting of the club will take place at 6.00pm on Thursday 27th September 2018, at the Senior Citizens Hall, Munster Street, Port Macquarie.
The Agenda for the meeting is :-
Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting on the 28 September 2017
Report from the President on activities of the club for 2017/2018 and proposed for 2018/2019
Report from the Treasurer for 2017/2018 for the period end 30th June 2018.
Appointment of Returning Officer and Scrutineers for conduct of election of new committee members.
Election of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 3 other Working Committee members.
Recommendations and suggestions by the Members to the New Committee
PROCEDURE FOR NOMINATION FOR COMMITTEE FOR 2018/2019 - click here for form
Nominations for appointment to the Committee of Port Macquarie Panthers Rock & Roll Dance Club Inc, shall be made in writing, signed by two financial members of the Club and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. Nominations shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Club no later than 20th September 2018. The nomination form is attached (copies available from on our website/members area).
Tracey Hunziker
Port Macquarie Panthers Rock & Roll Dance Club
PO Box 2644
Port Macquarie NSW 2444